Логотип Института Омбудсмена (Акыйкатчы) Кыргызской Республики

Kyrgyz Republic Akyikatchy (Ombudsman)
The parliamentary control of the compliance with human rights and freedoms of the citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic is performed by the Akyikatchy (Ombudsman)
Internet office
Page on the official website of the Kyrgyz Republic Akyikatchy (Ombudsman) that can be used by the citizens to submit electronic applications.
Questions and answers
Before asking your question on the Submit application page, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions section
An address by the Kyrgyz Republic Akyikatchy (Ombudsman) Kubat Otorbaev

For 2022, 60,146.6 thousand soms were provided in the budget for the Akyikatchy Institute. Out of the provided budget, 86% was planned for wages and contributions to the Social Fund, for business trips - 1.8%, for utilities and communications - 3.2%, for transport services - 1.9%, for the purchase of other goods and services - 1.6%, for current repairs - 3.1% (not used), as well as for other expenses.

In August 2022, the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, as part of the reform of the civil service system, doubled the salaries of the staff of the Office of the Ombudsman Institute, which required the allocation of additional funding from the republican budget — about 24 million soms.

However, as a result of cardinal reforms in the work of the administration of Akyikatchy, optimization of resources, it was possible to achieve significant savings in budget funds, which made it possible to limit ourselves to the approved budget without requesting additional funding.

Thus, according to the results of 2022, Akyikatchy (Ombudsman) of the Kyrgyz Republic A. Abdrakhmatova saved and returned about 4 million soms to the state budget.

Press service of the Ombudsman Institute of the Kyrgyz Republic